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The BCF is your ticket to 7 nights of grandstand entertainment and free live music day or night. Discover tons of exciting activities for all ages, from carnival rides to one-of-a-kind contests to the bunny barn. Spend a week or day in Aberdeen at the Brown County Fair.

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Welcome to the BCF (h4) 

The BCF is your ticket to 7 nights of grandstand entertainment and free live music day or night. Discover tons of exciting activities for all ages, from carnival rides to one-of-a-kind contests to the bunny barn. Spend a week or day in Aberdeen at the Brown County Fair.

2020 03 03
2020 03 03

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The BCF is your ticket to 7 nights of grandstand entertainment and free live music day or night.
Discover tons of exciting activities for all ages, from carnival rides to one-of-a-kind contests to the bunny barn.

2020 03 03
2020 03 03
2020 03 03


The BCF is your ticket to 7 nights of grandstand entertainment and free live music day or night.
Discover tons of exciting activities for all ages, from carnival rides to one-of-a-kind contests to the bunny barn.

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